Ativan 2mg


Ativan 2mg

Anxiety and panic disorders can be treated using Ativan. There are other medicines such as Xanax that are also used for the same purpose.

Ativan is available in two dosage values: Ativan 1mg and Ativan 2mg. You can buy Ativan online in either of the dosage values from our online store.

Make sure to take medicine according to the prescription. Depending on your condition, your Ativan dosage will be decided.

Ativan with alcohol is a big NO. This means that you should not drink alcohol while you are taking Ativan for the treatment of anxiety attacks and panic disorders.

When you have been taking medicine for several weeks, it is better to get off the drug with the help of a practitioner. Your doctor can help you get off the medication with much less pain and help you deal with the withdrawal symptoms better.

The treatment of anxiety and panic disorders with the help pf Ativan is habit-forming. Thus, do not buy Ativan online for using more than prescribed. Under circumstances where you have trouble with quitting the medicine, schedule a meeting with your doctor.

How to store Ativan?

The best way to store Ativan is to keep it at room temperature. Store it at a place where there isn’t excessive moisture or exposure to sunlight or heat.

Young children should not get hold of the medicine. Throw away the leftover packaging of the drug safely.

Due to its addictive properties, some teenagers buy drugs over-the-counter, which is not a good practice. Therefore, be alert around your teenage children and make sure they do not indulge in any such activities.

Ativan Side Effects

Every person reacts differently to the medications, especially prescription medicines. Therefore, it is crucial to be alert while taking these prescription drugs.

Ativan is one such medicine. It might benefit some people with anxiety exceptionally well but not work much efficiently for the other person. So, it all depends on the diagnosis of your condition and the amount of dosage prescribed to you.

Some of the side effects of Ativan are: 

  • No or loss of memory recollection
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Negative effect on appetite
  • Confusion

Be very communicative with your doctor and tell them if you are suffering from any uneasiness or side effects due to the medicine you are taking.


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